Download the CMNRP 2024-2025 workshop descriptions
CMNRP workshops are open to interprofessional perinatal care providers.
Winter 2025
Registration is now open.
Acute Care of at-Risk Newborns (ACoRN), Provider
March 18 and 19 (in-person), Ottawa 8:30-16:30 REGISTER
Fetal Health Surveillance (FHS), Instructor
March 25 and 26 (in-person), Ottawa 8:30-16:30 REGISTER - Deadline to register: March 4th
Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP), Instructor
April 1 and 2 (in-person), Ottawa 8:30-16:30 REGISTER - Deadline to register: March 4th
Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP), Provider
February 19 (in-person), Ottawa 8:30-16:30 REGISTER
March 4 (in-person), Ottawa 8:30-16:30 REGISTER
Fetal Health Surveillance (FHS), Provider
February 26 (in-person), Kingston 8:30-16:30 REGISTER
Human Milk Feeding
January 21 (online) REGISTER
8:00-12:00 Self-directed learning, Google Classroom
12:00-16:00 Zoom
Workshop content is based on current literature, research evidence and recommendations from various professional associations. While workshops describe current standards of care, they are not intended to dictate exclusive courses of practice: rather, they provide a foundation and direction for perinatal care. Variations and innovations that improve the quality of patient care are encouraged.
A written acknowledgement of attendance will be issued to participants. These certificates of attendance are not to be used as proof of “certification” as CMNRP is not an official certification body.
In most workshops, participants complete a knowledge test so that they can receive immediate feedback on their learning. For confidentiality purposes, the marks are given directly to participants. Therefore, if the marks are required for follow-up or performance appraisals, managers should consult the individual participants. CMNRP isnot responsible for the participants’ performance either during or following the programs, or for implementing remedial work. However, we are willing to consult with institutions to assist in that process.
Workshop Fees Per Day
Employees (e.g. RN, RPN, RT, SW) of CHEO, TOH, or KHSC currently working in the Birthing Unit, the Mother-Baby Unit or the SCN/NICU:
Workshop fee $0
Employees of CHEO, TOH, or KHSC currently working in any other unit or department
Employees of a birthing hospital, OBWC, Community Health Centre or Public Health in Ontario Health East
Workshop fee $195
If you are not an employee of a founding partner, hospital or community partner listed above (e.g. resident, midwife, physician, student)
Employees of organizations outside of Ontario Health East
Workshop fee $250
Cancellation notice must be sent to at least two weeks prior to a workshop.
Insufficient cancellation notice (within 2 weeks of workshop) is subject to a $50 administrative fee.
Due to the high demand and limited spaces for NRP and FHS workshops (e.g. Provider, Instructor or Refresher), if cancellation notice is not received prior to two weeks of the workshop, registration fees are non-refundable.
Textbooks and manuals purchased for workshops are non-refundable.
Administrative fees cannot be applied to another workshop.
NSF cheques are subject to a $50 fee.
On occasion, there may be a need to cancel a workshop due to insufficient registration or extraordinary circumstances. When CMNRP cancels a workshop, participants will receive a full refund.
Workshops are not cancelled due to inclement weather.
401 Smyth Rd, Ottawa ON
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The Ottawa Birth and Wellness Centre
2260 Walkley Rd, corner of St. Laurent, in the Canon Building
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Kingston Health Sciences Centre
76 Stuart St, Kingston ON
Click here for map...
Do you have any questions about our Workshops? Please feel free to contact